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Wheel of times 2017 December

Writer's picture: Nyima TashiNyima Tashi

World as Interpretation

The topic that we are going to discuss is entitled as ‘World as Interpretation’. From the Dzogchen point of view the other Buddhist schools of thought such as Hinayana, Mahayana and Tantra are seen as different ways of approaching a certain particular problem. The approach of Hinayana is seen as the approach of renunciation, which means that a person who practises Hinayana is particularly pre-occupied with the idea of renouncement so that the person is able to devote his or her life to spiritual practice completely. And in this particular case renunciation has to do with renouncing certain situations in one’s life that are seen as hindrances to one’s spiritual goal and therefore the person may choose to become either monk or nun. So the idea of monk-hood or nun-hood is particularly predominant.

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