Moonbeams of Mahamudra The Classic Meditation Manual
by Traleg Kyabgon
Paperback 520 pages
Published 2015
ISBN 978-0-9805022-3-7
Paperback $39.99
“In Mahamudra, we meditate on the nature of mind to attain the kind of realization that is genuine, immediate, and uncontaminated by conceptual understandings.” Dakpo Tashi Namgyal
The Mahamudra path of direct perception is the pre-eminent method of the Dakpo Kagyu tradition. This definitive manual systematically explains its approach to meditation, complete with definitions, pointing-out instructions, and advice for the many pitfalls and errors that beset practitioners. Central to these errors is our failure to acknowledge the difference between understanding and experience, and our tendency to fixate on meditative experiences and mistake them for realisation. This translation conveys the freshness and immediacy of these instructions. Belonging to the generation of teachers to first bring Tibetan Buddhism across cultures, Traleg Kyabgon (1955-2012) presents these Mahamudra instructions in a direct, relaxed, and intimate style. His own sense of certainty and his con